Covenham Sailing Club

Club racing takes place throughout the year. In the summer, club racing is on Thursday nights (18:00-20:00) and Sunday afternoons (13:30-16:00). We can't do evening sailing when the clocks go back to GMT but we still sail on Sundays which is normally breezy with the winter winds.
We want as many people as possible to get out and we welcome all of our members to race. Racing is a chance to have fun whilst testing your racing skills against other members.
Members who race usually run the races and provide a safety boat on a rota basis. Any member can help an experienced member with race organisation. Driving the safety boat requires the helmsman to have either an RYA Powerboat 2 certificate or for those with prior experience a short familiarisation course.
The duty rota is usually sent out via email or published on Facebook as well as displayed on the main club noticeboard. Helping with race organisation is an excellent way of getting to know other members and for those who have little or no racing experience working out what is going on!
If you are interested in helping run club races email me on
To see when we will be racing, please see the sailing times and calendar page

​2024 Results
2020 Results
Late Summer Thursday
Earlier Results
Overall Results 2019